“What do you do?” might be one of the most uncomfortable questions you get asked as an artist. When you know the ins and outs of your work, it’s hard to boil them down into a short description and feel like you’re capturing your art’s essence.
In this VIRTUAL workshop led by Erica Ando, a 20-year veteran artist mentor and creative business coach, we will “surface” the core of your art and put it into words that feel right to you. You’ll be able to use your core message to respond to “What do you do?” with confidence and clarity.
This virtual workshop will also feature a brief review of Ando’s previous ICA session, Pricing Your Art, Joyfully (held on June 4, 2022).
This session will be hosted via Zoom. Instructions and the Zoom link will be emailed to you upon registration. If you plan on attending, please https://images.palmbeachculture.com/wp-content/uploads/20220609111816/Erica-Ando-Money-and-Pricing-Workshop.pdf?_gl=1*150vsax*_ga*OTYzMzc1NDQ4LjE2NDQ5MDk4OTk.*_ga_6HEC9SJQGY*MTY1NjkxOTQxNC4zNy4xLjE2NTY5MTk1NDMuMA..&_ga=2.221659480.1962389525.1656919415-963375448.1644909899 before the session.
Source: https://www.palmbeachculture.com/eventsh/ica-2022-surfacing-your-core-message/